28/04/97 Om Shanti Avyakt BapDada Madhuban 09/05/77
Complete purity is the decoration of those who play a special part.
Do you consider yourselves to be the specials actors who are playing a special part within this drama? Do you know what the speciality is of this special part? The speciality is that you are playing your part as Baba’s companion and together with this, whilst playing your own role, you also remain stable in the stage of a detached observer. So the speciality is of being Baba’s companion and remaining a detached observer. It is because of these specialities that you are known as the special actors. So, constantly check: Do I constantly have both these specialities whilst playing my part? Otherwise, you would be called an ordinary actor. It would not seem right for the Father to be elevated and the child to be ordinary.
What is the decoration of playing a special part? Complete purity is your decoration. There shouldn’t be the slightest trace of impurity even in your thoughts. Do you constantly have such a decoration? None of you are those who play a limited part for a short time, but you are those who play an unlimited part at every second through every thought. This is why each of you is an image that is constantly decorated and constantly an embodiment of purity. The decoration of this time becomes imperishable for birth after birth.
The time for filling yourself with the important sanskars is now. It is at this time that you are recording sanskars in the soul for every birth. When recording, attention is paid at every second. There has to be attention that there is no type of tension; even if there is tension, there also has to be attention paid. If there is any type of tension, you will not be able to record very well. Instead of earning an elevated name for all time, what will be remembered is that you weren’t able to record as well as you wanted to. Therefore, remain beyond every type of tension; tension of the self or of time, and pay attention to having the Father’s company at every second whilst playing your part. The basis of tension in souls who are master almighty authorities, the children of the Almighty Authority, the knowledgefull souls is just two words. What are those two words? Why? and what?. Tension in any situation arises when you have these two questions in your intellect, “Why did this happen?” or “What happened?” However, the elevated actors of the confluence age cannot have any type of tension, because you know everything. With the specialities of being a detached observer and Baba’s companion, there can never be any tension whilst playing any role within the drama. So, understand this special beneficial time, and fill the sanskars with the number one stage at every second.
Do you know what seat the stage of being knowledgefull is, that is, what seat this stage of the confluence age is? On the path of bhakti, what have they shown the goddess of knowledge, Saraswati seated on? (a swan). Why have they portrayed a swan? What are the special virtues of a swan? The special virtues are:
Being knowledgefull; able to discriminate between right and wrong (real and false) is also to have knowledge. So, the seat of someone who is knowledgefull is portrayed as being something knowledgefull. So, the swan has the special knowledge to discriminate between right and wrong.
Secondly, the memorial of your stage is also shown in the form of a seat. Those who always accept he food of pure thoughts, whose intellect imbibes virtues from all souls and from nature are such souls who have been portrayed as those who pick up pearls.
Thirdly, cleanliness. The sign of cleanliness is the colour white. Cleanliness means purity. Therefore, the holy swan is the symbol of constantly remaining seated on the seat of being knowledgefull. Saraswati has been portrayed as a constant server by being given the sitar. To constantly play this sitar of knowledge means to be a constant server. Just as the seat is portrayed as a memorial, so too, to play your part, having imbibed all these specialities, is the special part. Therefore, constantly play your part whilst considering yourself to be a special actor.
You are not subservient to matter, are you? No element of nature should bring you into upheaval. As you progress, many test papers will come. Your stage should not be based on any physical facilities. Together with becoming a conqueror of Maya, you also have to become a conqueror of matter. If, in the midst of upheaval, you have the slightest tension in your thoughts such as, “What is this? Why did this happen? How will this be possible?”, that is, if your attention is reduced, then you will not be able to pass fully. Therefore, you have to remain constantly unshakeable. Achcha. To those who constantly remain seated on the seat of a knowledgefull one; to those who play an elevated part at every second; to those who pass every paper, who pass with honour; to those who remain steady in the remembrance of the one Father; to such elevated souls who are equal to the Father, BapDada’s love, remembrance and namaste.
Blessing: May you be an embodiment of success whose intellect constantly imbibes divinity.As soon as each child takes birth, he receives the blessing of a divine intellect from BapDada. To the extent that you use the blessing of this divine intellect, to that extent, you become an embodiment of success, because to perform every action with divinity is the basis of success. Souls who have attained a divine intellect make divine anything that is not divine. They put divinity into every aspect. A divine intellect cannot be influenced by any task that is not divine.
Slogan: Maintain balance at every moment and in every action and you will continue to receive blessings from everyone.
Question: In what form should you stabilise yourself in order to constantly experience yourself as the highest authority?
Answer: In your combined form. First, the soul and body are a combined form. Secondly, at this most auspicious confluence age, it is the combined form of the Father and the children. Thirdly, the fourarmed image has been shown as a memorial. So, whilst imbibe the knowledge of the combined form and by stabilising yourself in that stage, you will experience yourself as the highest authority.
Question: What is the result when you forget the combined form of the soul and the body?
Answer: When you forget the combined form of the soul and the body, the authority of being a master finishes. When you begin to believe the soul and the body to be one, the awareness of being an authority finishes. You forget yourself because of body consciousness and therefore, you lose everything; in the stage of being unconscious, you lose everything you had.
Question: What is the result of the forgetting the awareness of the combined form of the Father and the children at the confluence age?
Answer: Instead of experiencing yourself to be the highest authority, you experience yourself to be weak, powerless, unhappy, confluence and in influenced soul. With the awareness of the combined form, you receive power. With the awareness of the combined form, you have the authority of facing the obstacles of Maya. Even if you may be a weak soul, because of having the Father’s company, because of having the company and the awareness of the Almighty Authority, you experience yourself to be a master almighty authority. Therefore, do not separate yourself from the combined form.
Question: Nowadays, in which particular aspect do people of the world spend their time, body, mind and wealth?
Answer: Chasing after a companion and companionship. Everyone in the world especially needs company and a companion. However, a lokik companion would only deceive you, give you sorrow, constantly change moods, sometimes cry and sometimes laugh. However, this alokik Companion constantly makes you laugh. He never has an “offmood” and saves you from being deceived.
Question: What mistake do the children make because of not recognising their Companion?
Answer: Instead of staying with Him, they step away from Him and cause a lot of mischief. Sometimes, they turn away their mind and sometimes they make their intellect wander from here to there. Sometimes, they even divorce Him through their thoughts. Instead of allowing the true Companion to seat on their heartthrone, they give that position to a companion who only fulfils his responsibility for a temporary period and who deceives you. The artificial golden deer that tempts you with limited attainment attracts you towards itself.
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